
Hello there! My name is nngu14, and I'm a Xweetok. We're primarily ground-dwelling Neopets, and love living in heavily forested areas. You can often find us making our home among the roots of trees or in large crevices of old trunks. Some of us prefer the city life and comfort of Neohomes, though. That's why I was so happy when kwats789 adopted me! I really enjoy sleeping in a nice, cozy bed and sipping hot chocolate by the fireplace.

Most of the time, however, you can find me outside, playing active games like tag. Us Xweetoks have very fast reflexes, so catch me if you can!

What's so wonderful about Xweetoks, you may be wondering? We have a lot to offer! In general, we are very friendly creatures, and love to play. Many owners rave about how soft our fur is, and how great we are to hug!

Xweetoks love attention and strutting our stuff, so we are perfect for beauty contests. Our lush coat makes it easy to earn a trophy! Don't think our only skill is being cute, though! We are also fierce Battledome competitors, and just hate to lose. We often let out a battle cry of "chirka! chirka! chirka!" before rushing at our opponent.

Hrm... so what do I like? Oh, I know! Petpets! The cuter the better. Xweetoks are well known for taking great care of their Petpets. I often read the books kwats789 gives me aloud to them before I go to sleep. It helps me learn better, and even though I know they can't understand it, I think they like the soothing sound of my voice.

Well, I think I hear kwats789 calling me, so I'd better go. Thanks for stopping by to find out a little about me! I really appreciate it!

the Gikerot


Welcome to my humble home. My name is chrismas_8 the Ixi and I come from a merry little land called Meridell. So whats Meridell like? Well erm.. its very green (lots of meadows and forests everywhere) and the people there all seem incredibly friendly. The only trouble is, there really isn't that much to do. To keep from being bored we often have to create our own games, or head on down to Merryacres Farm for a spot of Potato Counting and Marrow Weighing!

My owner kwats789, says I am a little minx, whatever that means. Hmpf, I think I am a very well-behaved little Ixi, I mean its not my fault if a few silly Neopets can't take a joke. I thought it was hilarious to have a Jelly war, but apparently Uni's dislike it when their manes get tangled with Gooseberry Jelly :)

Well I guess I had better get going, I can hear kwats789 calling for me. Ho hum... an Ixi's work is never done

no name
the Snicklebeast


Hello! My name is Sowgy, and I'm an Ogrin.

Although we love nature, Ogrins actually prefer to live in the comfort of a nice, cosy Neohome. You'll hardly ever find an Ogrin who prefers to rough it outdoors. That is why I was quite pleased when kwats789 decided to adopt me. I've been treated with much kindness, and I shall be forever grateful.

What kind of things do I like, you ask? Well, I've already mentioned studying nature, so I guess my second-favourite thing would be hanging out with friends. I typically like going for walks with them, talking quietly as we admire the beautiful scenery of our path. I'm not nearly as active as other Neopian species, however. Take, for instance, the Xweetok or Ixi. Those two are constantly on the go!

I think that's about all that I have to say for now.



the Pink Krawkt